In Greek Mythology, Atlas was condemned by Zeus to carry the world on his back after the Titans lost the war. This is day two of the 5-day strength split.
In Greek Mythology, Atlas was condemned by Zeus to carry the world on his back after the Titans lost the war. This is day two of the 5-day strength split.
This is KRATOS which is part of a split program. This program is an intelligent split that’s about simplicity, low volume, slow and full control, perfection, power, strength, flexibility, mobility, and cardio. This program includes the little details that matter.
Strength and power The exercise description does not dictate the exact exercise variations, just that it needs to start from dead, and from dead means that you can choose how you perform the exercise required. For example, from dead to strict press means that you need to clean it and there are many kettlebell clean
This is a golden oldie from before 2019. It’s a super intense, tough, and advanced double kettlebell workout with the UKC which stands for the Ultimate Kettlebell Combo.
This is an awesome strength workout with cardio and flexibility. The full body is worked with all the exercises, from back to front, and from lower to upper body. This is a great workout for those days you have programmed as heavy work. Kettlebell Single heavy kettlebell work. Complexity Easy to moderate. Intensity Task 1:
This session starts with a short bodyweight warm-up after which we performed some prep work. You can then head straight into the workout or take a little breather first. The workout builds up with a light full-body cardio task, followed by some flexibility work, and then the two main tasks which focus on cardio, strength,
Shoulders, Triceps, and Cardio Workout This is a great shoulder workout with some biceps, triceps, core, and a little bit of legs as well. The Ribbons are great to work on shoulder flexibility while working on strength as well. This workout will benefit those who sit behind the desk all day. Two AMRAPs with flexibility
If you want to get as strong as a beast then you need to stick to this workout and make sure you have heavy kettlebells. Good form and technique is 1, full control is 2, and weight is 3. You can do this strength workout with a single or double kettlebell for the squat, the
There are 4 cycles of 4 minutes of work and 2 minutes of rest in this session. Go as heavy as you can for as many rounds as you can per cycle. If you repeat the workout then your goal is to increase the rounds or the same rounds and heavier weights. The highest my