
Kettlebell Workout CRUSADE


This is a great workout to work on agility, getting down to the ground and getting up as quickly as possible, following up with some heavy low-rep strength work, and repeating that. Then work on hip mobility, to go at it again, and then spine and shoulder mobility, to go at it one more time […]

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A kettlebell strength, power, and mobility interval workout. You need a good selection of heavy kettlebells for this workout, which cycles through strength work, mobility, power work, and mobility. After the 1 rep max, use a lighter weight for each following set. Use the full time assigned for each task, meaning, no rushing! Routine 1


Kettlebell Workout TANK


This is a workout that starts with strength followed by mobility and ends with cardio. 3 tasks, 2 AMRAPs and 1 mobility, and you need to have a heavy bell for the first task, none for the second, and a medium weight for the last task.

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Shoulder stability, core strength, hip flexibility, and leg strength. This is an awesome kettlebell workout with just 3 of the best exercises for shoulder strength and stability, core strength, hip flexibility and stability, and leg strength. On paper, it looks like a short easy workout with low reps, but if you pick the right weight



This is an amazing workout based on a single kettlebell combo with 3 exercises, the clean, squat thruster, and reverse Turkish get-up. There are 3 tasks that are split with mobility/active recovery in between them. The tasks start shorter with heavier weight and then increase in duration but lower in weight. ARMAGEDDON may feel like


Kettlebell Snatch Workout


This is a great kettlebell snatch workout in which you’ll be working on strength, power, speed, endurance, and flexibility. The workout starts by working with your 1RM and then the speed is addressed with two EMOMs. The intense tasks have accessory and mobility work programmed as active-recovery. The accessory work will help improve your snatch.

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This is a core and mobility workout. The core work is several sets of 30 seconds of work and then 30 seconds of rest, followed up with 4 minutes of joint and mobility work and repeated for 3 cycles.

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