Mobility RoutineDownward dog into runners lunge and thoracic rotation into split lunge and arms overhead
Mobility RoutineDownward dog into runners lunge and thoracic rotation into split lunge and arms overhead
A double kettlebell Hardstyle workout for strength and power. Low reps for strength, followed by short power work, programmed as intervals with active recovery to work on flexibility and mobility. All in all, it’s just 20 cleans, 10 squats, and 10 strict presses, with the snatch work scored as maximum reps. Routine 1 Alternating hamstring
This is one of those end-in-a-puddle-of-sweat workouts that you’ll absolutely love because it’s tough but manageable with active recovery work in between so that you can go hard again for your next task. The work is with single kettlebell, you perform a kettlebell combo on both sides and then follow up with some bodyweight exercises.
The Hardstyle clean is all about power. The swinging movement to clean the weight is to be performed as fast and explosively as possible. The reps for the Hardstyle clean are generally in the lower end to be able to maintain speed. The Hardstyle clean is a clean that’s performed with a hip hinge, although