Kettlebell Tactical Hang Clean
Kettlebell Tactical Hang Clean Read More »
This is a golden oldie from before 2019. It’s a super intense, tough, and advanced double kettlebell workout with the UKC which stands for the Ultimate Kettlebell Combo.
This is a golden oldie from 2018. This is Fourforty WOD which consists of 3 tasks, 2 AMRAP, and 1 FOR TIME. Complete and post online. Movement standards: The press is strict on the up-phaseHips below the knee line on the squatFull racking and knee plus hip extension on the dead clean
There are 4 cycles of 4 minutes of work and 2 minutes of rest in this session. Go as heavy as you can for as many rounds as you can per cycle. If you repeat the workout then your goal is to increase the rounds or the same rounds and heavier weights. The highest my