
Our membership subscriptions are as follows.

Access TypeFreeSilverGoldPlatinum
No AdsXYesYesYes
Encyclopedia ContentLimitedYesYesYes
Common MistakesLimitedYesYesYes
Follow-Along Workouts90 sec.YesYesYes
Workout LibraryXXYesYes
IKUâ„¢ Inner CircleXXYesYes
View User Submitted Videos90 sec.YesYesYes
Join IKUâ„¢ KB Sport TeamXYesYesYes
Use Online TimersLimitedYesYesYes
Build Your ProfileLimitedYesYesYes
CoachingX10 min.15 min.45 min.
You can cancel at any time.

Membership Options

  • Everything from Gold level
    Up to 45 minutes of professional coaching each month
    10-minute videoconferencing (live) Form and technique feedback
    Everything from Silver level
    Full access to the Facebook private and exclusive inner circle
    New weekly follow-along workouts (inner circle)
    Over 250 full-length workout library (inner circle)
    Up to 15 minutes of professional coaching access each month
    Access to all member tools
    Follow-along kettlebell workout videos on this website
    Up to 10 minutes of professional coaching access each month
    Upgrade anytime

    Select a Payment Method

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  • Payment Details

Encyclopedia Content

The encyclopedia consists of all kettlebell exercises of which the content consists of:

  • Videos
    • Technique
    • Common mistakes
    • Progressions
    • Other related videos
  • Technique
  • Common mistakes
  • Exercise information
    • Muscles used
    • Variations
    • And more

Users without a subscription will be able to access the content but with limitations.


The tools that can be used:

  • Setting goals
  • Keeping track of:
    • Progress
    • Scoring
    • Abilities
    • Calories burned
  • Self-assessments and progress
  • Whiteboard for focus exercises
  • Saving online bookmarks

Common Mistakes

A limited number of common mistakes for certain exercises will be accessible to unregistered users. Registered users will be able to see more of them, and paying members will be able to access common mistakes.


A limited amount of exercise technique information for certain exercises will be accessible to unregistered users. Registered users will be able to see more information, and paying members will able to access all the information

Follow-Along Workouts

Access full-length follow-along kettlebell workouts on this website. Each kettlebell class includes videos such as common mistakes, alternatives and progressions, programming, follow-along warm-up, and more.

Workout Library

The library gives full access to all available kettlebell workouts in one go rather than having to wait for a new one each week. You also get immediate access as new workouts are added to the library.

Inner Circle

The IKUâ„¢ Inner Circle is a private group on Facebook which has been running for over 5 years and contains over 250+ workouts. The best thing about the inner circle is the community aspect, motivation, and accountability. Of course, you can stay behind the scenes and just take advantage of the additional workout library.

Join The IKUâ„¢ Kettlebell Sport Team

The IKUâ„¢ Kettlebell Sport Team is an international team of people who have fun, train, and compete together both online and in-person across the world.


Free users can use the online workout timers but with limited functionality, the next timer and pause links are not available, and the ability to run one timers after the other automatically is disabled.


Free users can start building their profile but functionality like IKUâ„¢ Kettlebell Buddies, being contactable, and several other profile features are not available. An example of a completed profile can be found here.


As you have access to all kettlebell exercises in the encyclopedia and the world’s best kettlebell workouts you want to make sure that you’re doing things right. the top-notch coaching that’s included will give you the opportunity to submit your videos for feedback and you will also be able to ask questions. Access to the proprietary IKUâ„¢ Kettlebell Coaching System is also included.


Live one on one videoconferencing is only available for the platinum members. Videoconferencing can take place over Zoom, Skype, Messenger, or any other video conferencing platform. Additional blocks of 10 minutes are charged at $10.


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