Coaching Requests

These are all your kettlebell coaching requests. Click here to make another coaching request. Note that if you are part of an online camp, unless noted otherwise, you are allowed to have 5 open requests at a time. This means that if you have 5 open requests you need to fix/close at least one to make a new one.

No requests found! Click here to make a coaching request or make the request directly from a workout.

Request states can be Open, Closed, Closed (correct execution), Awaiting reply, or Awaiting fixes.

An open request is being reviewed by the coaches.
A closed request is no longer being reviewed.
A closed with correct execution request means that there was no feedback to provide.
A request marked as awaiting reply has had a note added to which a reply is expected.
A request marked as awaiting fixes has issues assigned that should be rectified and the details to do so are included in the assigned issue(s); you should read the information and resubmit to the same request.

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