Kettlebell Frontal Raise Pistol Squat

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Exercise Information

This variation of the kettlebell pistol squat is performed with one kettlebell held in a frontal raise position. This is by far the easiest variation of the pistol squat as the kettlebell provides a counterbalance. The weight at the front makes it easier to stabilize as without that weight the ankle Dorsiflexion muscles need to do a lot of work.


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Alternatives for this exercise are:

Common Mistake(s):

This information flows through from Squat

  1. A stance too wide for the squat

    A stance too wide for the squat. The feet are too far apart for a good deep squat.  The squat depth is affected and the hips can’t go past parallel.

  2. Rounded upper back

    The back is rounded due to scapular inactivity and/or flexed thoracic spine. This can also be paired with the neck being flexed, i.e. the head looking down or the chin really pushed forward. It may also be that the upper back is fatigued if you are able to achieve proper form at the start of your training but the form then deteriorates, and that may be the ramification of improper programming/adjusting (for your level). Fatigue can be due to too many, too heavy, and/or not enough rest.

  3. Rounded upper back in the squat

    Rounded upper back in the squat.

  4. The ankles are not bending enough

    The knees are not being pulled forward enough through bending of the ankles (ankle dorsiflexion).

This information flows through from Bodyweight Pistol Squat

No common mistakes are yet created or linked for the Bodyweight Pistol Squat. Why not help improve the encyclopedia?

Kettlebell Frontal Raise Pistol Squat

No common mistakes are yet created or linked for the Kettlebell Frontal Raise Pistol Squat. Why not help improve the encyclopedia?

Parent exercise: Bodyweight Pistol Squat

This is a: Loaded Exercise Variation

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On-page quicklinks:

Exercise Photo Gallery


This is the photo gallery from the parent exercise Squat.

Angled View

This is a collection of photos for the angled view of this exercise.

Related Workouts or Warm-ups

Form and Technique

This section explains the form and technique for the Kettlebell Frontal Raise Pistol Squat exercise.

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Muscles Used:

  1. Agonists and synergists are combined under the umbrella of prime-movers.

    1. Extensor Digitorum Longus

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Feet

    2. Extensor Hallucis Longus

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Feet

    3. Fibularis Tertius

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Feet

    4. Tibialis Anterior

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Lower Legs / Anterior

  2. Agonists and synergists are combined under the umbrella of prime-movers.

    1. Biceps Femoris Long Head

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Upper Legs / Posterior

      Muscle group: Biceps Femoris, Hamstrings

    2. Biceps Femoris Short Head

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Upper Legs / Posterior

      Muscle group: Biceps Femoris

    3. Gastrocnemius

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Lower Legs / Posterior

      Muscle group: Calves, Triceps Surae

    4. Gracilus
    5. Plantaris

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Lower Legs / Posterior

    6. Popliteus

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Lower Legs / Posterior

    7. Sartorius

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Upper Legs / Medial/ Anterior

    8. Semimembranosus

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Upper Legs / Posterior

      Muscle group: Hamstrings

    9. Semitendinosus

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Upper Legs / Posterior

      Muscle group: Hamstrings

  3. Agonists and synergists are combined under the umbrella of prime-movers.

    1. Gracilis

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Upper Legs / Medial

    2. Iliacus

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Upper Legs / Medial

    3. Psoas Major

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Hips

    4. Rectus Femoris

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Upper Legs / Anterior

      Muscle group: Quadriceps

    5. Sartorius

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Upper Legs / Medial/ Anterior

    6. Tensor Fasciae Latae

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Upper Legs / Lateral

  4. Agonists and synergists are combined under the umbrella of prime-movers.

    1. Fibularis Brevis

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Lower Legs

    2. Fibularis Longus

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Lower Legs

    3. Flexor Digitorum Longus

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Lower Legs / Posterior

    4. Flexor Hallucis Longus

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Lower Legs / Posterior

    5. Gastrocnemius

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Lower Legs / Posterior

      Muscle group: Calves, Triceps Surae

    6. Plantaris

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Lower Legs / Posterior

    7. Soleus

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Lower Legs / Posterior

      Muscle group: Calves, Triceps Surae

    8. Tibialis Posterior

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Lower Legs / Posterior

  5. Agonists and synergists are combined under the umbrella of prime-movers.

    1. Adductor Magnus

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Upper Legs / Posterior/ Medial

      Muscle group: Adductors

    2. Biceps Femoris Long Head

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Upper Legs / Posterior

      Muscle group: Biceps Femoris, Hamstrings

    3. Gluteus Maximus

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Hips / Posterior

      Muscle group: Gluteals

    4. Gluteus Medius

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Hips

      Muscle group: Gluteals

    5. Inferior Gemellus

      Body Part(s): Lower Body

    6. Semimembranosus

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Upper Legs / Posterior

      Muscle group: Hamstrings

    7. Semitendinosus

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Upper Legs / Posterior

      Muscle group: Hamstrings

  6. Agonists and synergists are combined under the umbrella of prime-movers.

    1. Rectus Femoris

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Upper Legs / Anterior

      Muscle group: Quadriceps

    2. Vastus Intermedius

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Lower Legs / Anterior

      Muscle group: Quadriceps

    3. Vastus Lateralis

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Upper Legs / Anterior

      Muscle group: Quadriceps

    4. Vastus Medialis

      Body Part(s): Lower Body / Legs / Lower Legs / Anterior

      Muscle group: Quadriceps

  7. The heavier the weight, the more work fixators will need to do. For example, with a bodyweight squat, the fixators don't have to do much work but add load to the exercise and they will work a lot.

    1. Iliocostalis Cervicis

      Body Part(s): Upper Body / Back

      Muscle group: Erector Spinae

    2. Iliocostalis Lumborum

      Muscle group: Erector Spinae

    3. Iliocostalis Thoracis

      Body Part(s): Upper Body / Back

      Muscle group: Erector Spinae

    4. Interspinalis Cervicis
    5. Interspinalis Lumborum
    6. Longissimus Thoracis

      Body Part(s): Upper Body / Back / Upper/ Middle/ Lower

      Muscle group: Erector Spinae, Longissimus

    7. Multifidus

      Body Part(s): Upper Body / Back / Upper/ Middle/ Lower

    8. Rotatores Thoracis Breves

      Body Part(s): Upper Body / Back / Upper/ Middle

      Muscle group: Rotatores

    9. Rotatores Thoracis Longi

      Body Part(s): Upper Body / Back / Upper/ Middle

      Muscle group: Rotatores

    10. Semispinalis Thoracis

      Body Part(s): Upper Body / Back / Middle

    11. Spinalis Thoracis

      Body Part(s): Upper Body / Back / Middle

      Muscle group: Erector Spinae

Lateral Info:

Bilateral Load, Unilateral Exercise

Kettlebell Grip(s):

Horn Grip, Horn Grip Upside Down

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