Hardstyle Clean

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Kettlebell Exercise Information

Kettlebell Clean

A kettlebell clean is an exercise that brings the kettlebell from a position below the hips into a racking position via an explosive fast and clean movement. The most common starting positions are dead from the ground and the racking position.

Several different movements can be used to move the weight but the most common ones are the hip hinge and the squat.

The kettlebell clean is an important aspect of kettlebell training as with almost every kettlebell exercise the weight needs to be brought into the racking position. But besides that, it's also a great exercise for cardio, strength, and power.


How the kettlebell clean is programmed partly determines the goal it reaches. For strength, program heavy and lower reps; for endurance, program light to medium and higher volume; for power, program between medium and heavy weight with low reps.


The kettlebell clean is a great exercise to program for endurance combos as it allows the muscles to have a little break by moving the work to other muscle groups. In the clean and jerk, for example, the jerk requires a lot from the upper body in regards to racking and the jerk itself. The clean breaks it up and allows the athlete to last longer.

Racking Position

No matter the variation of the kettlebell clean, the kettlebell(s) always end up in a racking position. The racking position is where the kettlebell(s) are held at chest height with the elbow(s) under the weight and the shoulders are pulled down. There is a lot to learn about racking, as it's not just for receiving the weight, but also for resting and transitioning.

The Hardstyle clean is all about power. The swinging movement to clean the weight is to be performed as fast and explosively as possible. The reps for the Hardstyle clean are generally in the lower end to be able to maintain speed.

The Hardstyle clean is a clean that's performed with a hip hinge, although the StrongFirst clean which is also about power, is performed with a squat movement.

The clean is:

  1. Backswing
  2. insert the weight between the legs
  3. Pull the weight out with maximum speed and explosiveness
  4. The pull out is actioned by extending the hips and knees
  5. The pull out should bring the weight into its ballistic flight
  6. Bring the elbow back to keep the weight close
  7. Punch in and catch the weight
  8. Bring the weight to the racking position
  9. Pause for a split second
  10. Let the weight fall away from you
  11. Stay extended
  12. Let the arm extend and the weight enter the backswing
  13. Repeat

For proper Hardstyle exercises, employ the correct breathing technique.


Slow tempo:
Fast tempo:


Alternatives for this exercise are:

Common Mistake(s):

This information flows through from Kettlebell Clean

  1. Broken wrist grip

    Employing a broken wrist grip where wrist is extended (or flexed) and the line is broken at the wrist joint.

  2. Elbow disconnected in racking due to tension

    The elbow is disconnected from the body in the racking position because everything is tight and tense.

  3. Flipping the kettlebell over the fist on the drop

    FLipping the kettlebell over the first on the drop from racking into the backswing for another clean or other action.

  4. Seeing the palm of the hand in racking

    The palm of the hand is facing forward in the racking position and usually, this is paired with the bell (the round bit of the kettlebell) being positioned on the outside of the arm rather than on the inside and the handle lays horizontally within the palm rather diagonally (45-degree angle).

  5. The drop from racking is not guided

    The drop from racking is not guided and results in a jerk on the arm.

  6. The heels are raised

    The heels are raised in the snatch, clean, or swing.

  7. Using a weight that’s too light for a ballistic/power exercise

    Using a weight that’s too light for a ballistic/power exercise.

Hardstyle Clean

  1. Not enough speed with a ballistic Hardstyle exercise

    No exerting enough force to generate as much speed as possible for the Hardstyle clean, swing, or snatch.

  2. Not regripping during the clean or snatch

    Holding on tight or just not regripping during the clean or snatch which means not transitioning from a hook grip to a loose grip.

Parent exercise: Kettlebell Clean

This is a: Loaded Exercise Variation

Is loaded with equipment: Kettlebell

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Exercise Photo Gallery

Kettlebell Clean

This is the photo gallery from the parent exercise Kettlebell Clean.


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Related Workouts or Warm-ups

Form and Technique

This section explains the form and technique for the Hardstyle Clean exercise.

As a registered member you will be able to evaluate yourself against the technique and record any issues which you can then work on.




Muscles Used:

Exercise Benefit(s):

Power, Power Leg

Exercise Speed(s):

Explosive, Fast

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