Exercises by Stances

The stance dictates the foot position and rotation. The wider the stance, the more the feet rotate out (external hip rotation) naturally. Bringing the feet out wide and keeping the toes pointing forward is not impossible nor incorrect, it just requires more mobility, and a progression to get to that point safely.

Each person is different, therefore, the position and degrees of outward rotation should be taken as a recommendation. For the distance between the feet, you can take the width of your own foot as a guideline. 

  • Feet together equals no space between the feet. 
  • Feet narrow equals approx. the width of one foot between the two.
  • Feet neutral equals approx. the width of three feet between the two.
  • Feet hybrid equals approx. the width of four feet between the two.
  • Feet wide equals approx. the width of five feet between the two.
  • Feet sumo is the widest width between the two.

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