What is a Conventional Exercise?

Conventional exercise is an exercise performed in a traditional way, ordinary, and commonly found. A great example is a variation of the deadlift. The most common deadlift traditionally performed was the deadlift with a hip hinge movement. When something is commonly performed and taught in the same manner it can incorrectly be assumed that that variation of the exercise is the exercise and anything else is incorrect.

A deadlift means to lift a dead object and it does not define in which manner it is lifted, but most assume it’s the hip hinge because that’s what was most common. However, there are suitcase deadlifts (squat movement), trap bar deadlifts (squat movement), reverse lunge deadlifts (lunge movement), Curtsy deadlifts (lunge movement), and the list goes on.

The same applies to push-ups, pull-ups, and so on.

An exercise defines the basic principles it should adhere to and deliver the desired goals. An exercise variation defines the exact way that exercise is performed. We use the Cavemantraining structure of:

  • Exercise
    • Exercise Variation (bodyweight)
      • Loaded Exercise
        • Loaded Exercise Variation

A data example:

  • Squat
    • Sumo Squat
      • Sumo Squat Deadlift
        • Kettlebell Sumo Squat Deadlift

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