What Will You Learn?
You will learn more about the kettlebell swing in this course than you will anywhere else. After completing this course you will be able to:
- Swing safely and effectively
- Know what muscles are used and why
- Know how many swings you should do
- Perform workouts with the kettlebell swing
- Pick up on and correct common mistakes
- Warm-up correctly
- And stretch when finished
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- All kettlebell workouts
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- 3 months to complete
Course Content
- Practice Activities Topic
- What Will You Learn? Lesson
- Who is This Course For? Lesson
- What is the Kettlebell Swing? Lesson
- Why Kettlebell Swing? Lesson
- What Muscles are used With the Kettlebell Swing? Lesson
- Warming up for the Kettlebell Swing Lesson
- Kettlebell Swing Progressions Lesson
Kettlebell Swing Common Mistakes
- Gripping too tight Topic
- Shoulders Forward and no Scapula Activation Topic
- Not Coming into full Extension at the top of the Swing Topic
- Following the Kettlebell Topic
- Kettlebell Bobbing Topic
- Involving the Ankles Topic
- Shoulder Raise Topic
- Fundamentals Kettlebell Swing Variations Lesson
- Intermediate to Advanced Kettlebell Swing Variations Lesson
- How to Program The Kettlebell Swing Lesson
- Stretching and Cool Down Lesson
- Kettlebell Swing Workouts Lesson
- Conclusion Lesson
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