The course consists of the main course page, lessons, and topics. The course content is listed toward the end of the page. You navigate by clicking on the first lesson. If a lesson or topic has a video, it will be listed at the top of the page and all you need to do is click play. After watching the video, you navigate to the next content in the course. If a course is non-sequential, you can jump through the content while skipping parts, however, this is never recommended.
The top of the page has a breadcrumb navigation which you can also use to get back to the main page of the course.
Mark as Complete
Mark your content as complete once you've watched the videos, read the content, and/or completed the practice activities. A green tick will appear behind the content links which makes it easy to keep track of what you've completed.
Only mark a lesson complete once you completed all topic within it and only mark a course as complete once you have viewed all content.
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Course Content
- Practice Activities Topic
- What Will You Learn? Lesson
- Who is This Course For? Lesson
- What is the Kettlebell Swing? Lesson
- Why Kettlebell Swing? Lesson
- What Muscles are used With the Kettlebell Swing? Lesson
- Warming up for the Kettlebell Swing Lesson
- Kettlebell Swing Progressions Lesson
Kettlebell Swing Common Mistakes
- Gripping too tight Topic
- Shoulders Forward and no Scapula Activation Topic
- Not Coming into full Extension at the top of the Swing Topic
- Following the Kettlebell Topic
- Kettlebell Bobbing Topic
- Involving the Ankles Topic
- Shoulder Raise Topic
- Fundamentals Kettlebell Swing Variations Lesson
- Intermediate to Advanced Kettlebell Swing Variations Lesson
- How to Program The Kettlebell Swing Lesson
- Stretching and Cool Down Lesson
- Kettlebell Swing Workouts Lesson
- Conclusion Lesson
Back to Master The Kettlebell Swing Course