Common Mistakes

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The hips are rising first in the dead clean or dead snatch

The hips are rising first in the dead clean or dead snatch.

Not creating tension between you and the kettlebell(s)

Not creating tension between you and the kettlebell(s) before pulling the weight back or up.

Curling instead of rowing to keep the weight closer

Curling instead of rowing to keep the weight closer during the Pendulum swing, clean, or snatch.

Lowering too slow from overhead into racking

Lowering too slow from overhead into racking

Broken wrist grip

Employing a broken wrist grip where wrist is extended (or flexed) and the line is broken at the wrist joint.

Gripping too tight

Gripping the handle too tight for an exercise where the grip should relax and tighten only as much as is required to hold on to the weight.


Check the notes for the issue.

Wrist flexion and/or pull down are missing

Wrist flexion and/or pull-down are missing when initiating the drop from overhead in the Hardstyle snatch.

The heels are raised

The heels are raised in the snatch, clean, or swing.

Stiff non-moving zombie arm

The non-working arm is stiff and not moving along with the working arm.

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