KETTLEBELL MONSTER™ — the one and only social network for working out with kettlebells

An app that gives you workouts and functionality to interact with those workouts brought to you by IKU™ for kettlebell enthusiasts and to give IKU™ certified kettlebell instructors a platform to connect.

Users Who Created a Public Profile

Showing the last 9 records only. Users who created their free profile.

Registered IKU™ Kettlebell Buddies

Showing the last 9 records only. Users mark themselves as a buddy from their profile.

Last 3 IKU™ Sports Team Members

Showing the last 3 records only. Members join the team from their profile.

Last 3 Reviews Left

Showing the last 3 records only. Reviews are left on workouts and exercises.

Absolutely loved this workout/challenge.  The 3 moves are fabulous and can allow for heavy weight.  I chose 12kg so that I could work on jerk technique but I believe I...
An awesome workout!!! It is hard for me to give less score rating than 10, because every workout that i do it has something special. This one in particural because...
Absoluteley fantastic workout for strenght and mobillity! For the first time i used 1RM 24kg for both press and snatch with ease, so that means that next time ill try...

Last 3 Star-Ratings Left

Showing the last 3 records only. Ratings are left on kettlebell workouts and exercises.

User-Submitted Video Content

Showing the last 3 records only. Videos are submitted together with a score. on a workout

Last 3 Scores Submitted

Showing the last 3 records only. Scores are left on kettlebell workouts.

  1. recovering from illness and a lot of snow shovelling. Had to take it easy
  2. The workout went well. I actually increased weight each time, so ended up doing the last round at 18kg. The scoring reflects my lowest weight. Next time I'll start at...
  3. Went very well and did one-switch. Made sure to focus on 2nd dip on the jerk.

Search for kettlebell workouts only | Search by muscles worked | Search by body part(s) worked

Register for free on Kettlebell Monster today and start interacting with other kettlebell enthusiasts, start collecting your favorite kettlebell exercises, rate awesome workouts, collect badges, and record your scoring. As a registered user you will also be able to view videos for longer.

After registration, you can start rating exercises and workouts, set goals, record scoring, create kettlebell meet-ups, find a Kettlebell Buddy, and make use of our many online kettlebell training tools that will improve your kettlebell workouts.


Use, interact, and experience kettlebell workouts like never before.

Kettlebell Books

The Kettlebell Exercise Encyclopedia is also available as a printed book from in 5 volumes or as one digital download from The kettlebell workouts are also available as 4 volumes on and

Create a virtual kettlebell meet-up

Create kettlebell meet-ups for workouts, skill, form and technique, and more. Everything that you need to run an online meet-up will be provided for you.

Find yourself a kettlebell buddy!

Are you looking for like minded people to work out with online from the comfort of your own home? Look no further with the IKU™ Kettlebell Buddy. Sign up today and start enjoying many member benefits, including the option to workout online with other members.

Join our worldwide online kettlebell competition team

Join a team of enthusiastic kettlebell sport beginners, train together online or in-person and compete together. Receive coaching and so much more.

What is this website about?

This website is the result of many years of designing the world’s best kettlebell workouts and analyzing any and all kettlebell exercises.

On this website, as a free user, you can do a lot of awesome things that will improve your kettlebell training. Free users can record their scoring, set goals, use calculators, and so much more. Paying members get access to full videos, follow-along workout videos, technique videos, common mistake videos, and even coaching.

  1. Kettlebell exercises
  2. Kettlebell workouts
  3. Kettlebell coaching
  4. Online kettlebell training tools
  5. Staying injury-free and mobile

Certain levels of membership also include top-notch kettlebell coaching with the use of our proprietary online system in which you can work on and never lose what your next task is. Each issue that you may experience with your kettlebell form and technique is broken down and addressed.

Some levels of membership give you access to the IKU™ and Cavemantrainig™ Inner Circle which has been running for over 5 years and in which people from all over the world grow from beginners to more advanced kettlebell users who have safe and effective form and technique. As a member, you will advance, you will learn about everything the kettlebell world has to offer, and more importantly, you will learn how mobility work is an important part of your training. You will experience hybrid workouts that are exciting and work on strength, power, endurance, cardio, and so much more.

Top 10 Rated Kettlebell Workouts

These are the top 10 workouts that the public rated. As a free member of the website, you will also be able to rate our workouts and create your favorite selection of kettlebell workouts that you want to repeat.

Last 5 Workout Reviews Posted

Absolutely loved this workout/challenge.  The 3 moves are fabulous and can allow for heavy weight.  I chose 12kg so that I could work on jerk technique but I believe I...

Feedback left for SPARTAN WARRIOR

An awesome workout!!! It is hard for me to give less score rating than 10, because every workout that i do it has something special. This one in particural because...

Feedback left for VENOM

Absoluteley fantastic workout for strenght and mobillity! For the first time i used 1RM 24kg for both press and snatch with ease, so that means that next time ill try...

Feedback left for APOCALYPSE

I generally like high intensity HR workouts but very much enjoyed this one.  It was fun getting up & down even though I failed with 3 more rounds short.  I...

Feedback left for ARGOS

As all previous workouts this was also right up my alley. Even if i had to brake up my sets a bit it shows me that i can do better...

Feedback left for THE PACE MAKER

Top 10 Rated Kettlebell Exercises

Welcome to the Kettlebell Monster by IKU™ and Cavemantraining™.

You are not registered. As a registered user, you can keep track of your kettlebell goals, progress, focus exercises, and more. Register now or start using the one and only kettlebell social network.

Cavemantraining has been delivering online and in-person kettlebell education since 2009. With over 20 kettlebell books on Amazon, iTunes, Google Books, 62,000+ YouTube subscribers, 150,000+ community members, 16,000+ online students, and 200+ full-length kettlebell workouts, Cavemantraining is the premier online kettlebell education provider.

Kettlebell Monster is a social network project that has been in the making since 2014, the project offers beginners to advanced kettlebell users the facility to:

  • Create kettlebell meet-ups
  • Find Kettlebell Buddies
  • Find any and all kettlebell exercises in existence
  • Delve into extreme detail on each kettlebell exercise
  • Learn how to perform kettlebell exercises
  • Program kettlebell exercises for a workout
  • Keep track of your progression:
    • 1RM
    • Duration (muscular or cardiovascular endurance)
    • Reps
    • And other important details
  • Watch videos on kettlebell exercises
  • Complete exams for a kettlebell exercise
  • Stream our videos at high speed to your devices
  • Find kettlebell exercises by:
    • Number of kettlebells
    • Goals/Benefits
    • Stances
    • Body positions
    • Stances
    • Muscles or muscle groups used
    • Joints involved
    • Movements
  • Drill down kettlebell exercises by exercise variations
  • Find kettlebell combos
  • Ask questions in our online kettlebell community
  • Find kettlebell flows
  • Keep track of and fix technique issues
  • See the exercise broken down step-by-step in photos
  • And a whole lot more

Each kettlebell exercise provides extreme detail that is not to be found anywhere else. Once you understand the exercise you can program your own workout or use one of our 150+ workouts that include the exercise in question.

At Cavemantraining, you learn true kettlebell training from any and all angles, not just free style, hard style, sport style, or flows, you will learn all plus Cavemantraining’s own hybrid style.

As a member, you will have access to the whole library and all its functionality. In the near future, you will be able to design your kettlebell workout and send it to your phone with our Cavemantraining timer app.

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